The Positivity Project

day 11
February 28, 2010, 1:35 pm
Filed under: weekend | Tags: ,

I’m still struggling with this throat crap, but my voice hasn’t completely disappeared, so I suppose there’s still hope in there somewhere.

Ah, Sunday…I missed you.

Today’s Silver Linings:

1. I got a ridiculous amount of sleep last night.  It’s actually left me a little groggy today, but man did I need it.

2. I had a lot of fun teaching Sunday school today along side another teacher.

3. Even though we had small numbers for our class, we had a good deal of interesting and entertaining discussion.

4. As always, it’s nice to spend some time with Jesus.

5. My daddy is home today from our church’s weekend retreat! 🙂

6. Hockey hockey hockey!

7. I forgot to mention this one before: I’m officially on direct deposit now! Yay!

8. I had some really yummy fresh fruit again today…maybe I need to start eating cantaloupe and pineapple more often.

9. We have some pretty neat high school kids at our church.

10. As always, don’t forget about tomorrow!

Happy Sunday, loves!  Enjoy your day of rest.

day 10
February 27, 2010, 5:44 pm
Filed under: weekend | Tags:

This has been a long, exciting day.  I’ve had the chance to  do something cool, and it’s going to be the center of my post today, so I hope that’s alright. 🙂

Here we go…

Today’s Silver Linings:

1. Today I had the chance to be on an interview panel to see a handful of hopefuls for the NC Teaching Fellows scholarship.  It was very cool, as a product of this program, to get to be on this side of the process.

2. High school seniors are way smart.  They’re intuitive and seriously passionate about college–at least the ones I met were.

3. I met a couple of really cool people today who really appreciate what I do.  It’s always very nice to hear that my job is as difficult as I know it is, and that people are impressed that I’m sticking with education with as much work as there is that goes into it.

4. I saw an extraordinarily bright young lady transform from being nervous and timid to really showing us how passionate she is about teaching.  She will be an incredible teacher one day.

5. Really, all of the candidates that my team saw will be amazing teachers, Teaching Fellows or not.

6. I had a really yummy lunch that was just enough to keep my tummy happy.

7. The raspberry lemonade that they were serving in the break room was amazing.

8. I get to see my favorite chiquitas tonight!

9. Tomorrow, I get to teach Sunday School again.  And my lesson involves the story of the Life is Good company. (Shannon, I know your world was just rocked.  Mine was, too.)

10.  As always, don’t forget that no matter what, there’s always tomorrow.

Happy Saturday!  Enjoy your weekend!

day 9
February 26, 2010, 8:42 am
Filed under: TGIF | Tags:

So, my voice is almost gone this morning, but it’s actually okay, because there’s a whole bunch of stuff going on today and I don’t have to teach that much, actually.  It’s early, and the kids haven’t even arrived yet, but let’s get it going, shall we?

Today’s Silver Linings:

1. Helloooo, pay day!

2. Today is Career Day, so for the first half of the day, all of our students will be meeting and listening to a bunch of different professionals: sheriffs, newscasters, engineers, etc.  Should be a lot of fun!

3. For the second half of the day, we’ll be eating lunch in the classroom and enjoying a movie about MLK.  Thus, I will be able to rest my voice.

4. I have a microwave in my classroom, so I am able to make hot tea to get me through this day. 🙂  (I also have honey!  See, Linda?  I didn’t forget!)

I think that’s a great start for before the bell rings!  (Which will be any minute now.)  I’ll check back in with you later today, but have a great Friday, loves!

——- (Aaaaaand we’re back!) ——-

5. So my kids are currently watching a pretty cool movie called “My Friend Martin.”  It’s really neat to see them learning about MLK this way.

6. I got to enjoy a little popcorn with my students during the movie.

7. My kids are getting excited about thinking about their futures, and their careers to come.  His aspiration? A ninja.

8.  I’m excited to have some hot tea with honey tonight while I catch up with a few of my favorite ladies. 🙂

9. By the way, in case I haven’t said so, my students totally rocked their concert yesterday.  I was a very proud mama.

10.  Remember, there’s always tomorrow!  (And even better than that, tomorrow is Saturday!!)

Happy Friday everybody!  See you tomorrow!

day 8
February 25, 2010, 12:48 pm
Filed under: Thursday | Tags:

Alright, so now we’re over the one week mark, and hopefully on the way to keeping this up for all of Lent.  I’m excited to keep doing this, especially since it appears that other people might actually be reading it!

Happy Thursday, all!  It’s going to be a busy day!

Today’s Silver Linings:

1.  I don’t feel as icky as I’ve been feeling.  There’s a solid chance I may not have a voice by the end of the day, but I still have one right now!

2. My students are so anxious about their performances today.  I think they’re more nervous about performing for their peers this afternoon than performing for their parents tonight.  The thing is, they’re totally going to rock it.

3. It works!  My new strategy for keeping him focused is WORKING!  He’s still on green today, and I’m so proud of him.

4. A very sweet boy is bringing me dinner tonight and coming to see me be a proud mama to all of my students at their concert tonight.

5. The snow this morning was really pretty!  (Especially since all it did was fall to the ground and melt.)

6. I asked him how it felt to not have silent lunch today, and he smiled at me and said, “…awesome.”

7. My kids were really focused this morning during independent work time.  I had a few questions, as usual, but they got a lot done.

8. Um, tomorrow is PAY DAY!

9. He’s been helping me get my weekly work folders together again, and with the help of one other student, they’re almost done being put together!

10. Oh, here we are again! Ten before the day is up!  That’s almost a silver lining in and of itself, isn’t it?  Well, no worries, kids, because there’s always tomorrow!

Have an awesome Thursday, and I’ll see you tomorrow on another glorious Friday!!

day 7
February 24, 2010, 9:24 am
Filed under: Wednesday

Still not feeling 100%, but not feeling worse, so I suppose that’s a good thing, right?

Heeeeeeere’s Wednesday!

Today’s Silver Linings:

1. Two words, my friends: Soup Supper.

2. He came in and sat right down to work on his assignments from yesterday!  Hallelujah!

3. How ridiculous would it be to get more snow tonight?

4. I joined a Facebook group called “Del’s Army” to show my support for our Superintendent, Dr. Burns, who is leaving as of the end of this school year.  I just think it’s super cool that I can say I’m part of Del’s Army.

5. You know what Wednesday means, right? Wooooaah, we’re half-way there!  (To the weekend, that is.  And if you didn’t sing that, I don’t think we can be friends anymore.)

Gotta get some things done before it’s time to get the kiddies from concert practice.  See you at lunch!

—— Alright, alright, alright! Lunch time! ——

6. My interims are done! Yay!

7. My kids sang their songs for the concert in class today, and they sound pretty awesome.  (Not that I’m biased or anything.)

8. We’re squeezing in another concert practice this afternoon.  Mostly because the music teacher thinks they need it, but partly because we aren’t sure if we’ll have a delay tomorrow.

9.  Did I mention we might have a delay tomorrow?   This threat of snow still makes me laugh.

10. No way.  I’m at ten before the day is up!  And this one’s easy, since…there’s always tomorrow!

Happy Wednesday, folks.  Stay warm!

day 6
February 23, 2010, 9:31 am
Filed under: challenge, Tuesday | Tags:

Another challenging day.  I’m not feeling tip top today, and that makes it harder to find the silver linings.

Harder, but not impossible.

Today’s Silver Linings:

1. I got him excited by giving him the chance to show me that maybe he doesn’t have to sit in the back of the classroom forever.  We’re on a trial run this week and I’m really hoping that it will go well. (Update: this was not a good morning for him. We did have a break through finally, at about 20 minutes before lunch.  We’ll see if it sticks and gets us through the day!)

2. I got a “new” student today.  Actually, it’s one of the students who was in my room for only a few weeks and then moved away.  She’s really sweet, though, and the good news is I don’t have to show her where anything is.

3. So, I know this super cool chick who happens to be one of my all time favorite people in the world, and she has a really awesome blog of her own.  She gave me a shout out, and since I love her, here’s one for her, too.

That’s all I have in me for right now.  There will be more later, but it is only 9:30.  I’ll shoot the rest your way after school or at lunch if I have some more.

Stay dry, kids. It’s a rainy one.

~~~~~~ (Lunch Break) ~~~~~~

4. My chicken ramen noodles and my orange for lunch are hitting the spot.

5. I think I might have come up with a great strategy to keep him focused.  Stay tuned to see if I have good news to report once I apply it. (I’m not telling just yet because I don’t want to jinx it!)

…and it’s time to go get the kids again.  How is it that this time passes so quickly?

See you at the end of the day.

~~~~~~ (Hallelujah!) ~~~~~~

6. My students really want to be helpful.

7. He’s great at filing papers for me, and it’s a cool incentive for him to stay on task. 😀 Win-win, ya know?

8. We got to go out for recess today!!

9. I was able to get some improvised homework together since my students weren’t quite ready to move on in math.

10. And, praise the Lord, there is always tomorrow.

This day has worn me out.  See you tomorrow, folks.

day 5
February 22, 2010, 12:55 pm
Filed under: Monday | Tags:

The cool thing about doing this is that now I have my eyes opened wider, looking for silver linings.  That’s a pretty neat side effect, if I do say so myself.

(And I do.)

Today’s Silver Linings:

1. He doesn’t have silent lunch!  Hallelujah!

2. Even though it’s raining and that means no outside recess, now we can start our next book in the Charlie Bone series today! (Update: unable to begin the book, but we had fun doing what’s listed as #8 instead!)

3. My classroom library is looking particularly organized today, and I know I had nothing to do with it.  (I love when my kids turn into cleaning pixies.)

4. That special boy of mine has made my heart smile today.

5. I’m getting more and more excited about this concert my kids are putting on this week…I can’t wait to see how it all turns out. 😀

6. Today we’ll get to the prize box and he just might scrape by with enough tickets to go. (Update: not only did he leave early, but we didn’t get to it today…I suppose that’s better, though.  Means he’ll still have a chance tomorrow!)

7. No hallway duty this week!  Woo hoo!

Check that out!  Only lunch time and I already have 7!  I’ll put the last few up after school.

Happy Monday! (And, go figure, I mean it.)

——— (And now, for #8-10)———

8. We played a fun, fast-paced multiplication game today and I discovered that my kids have been practicing their multiplication at home!

9. I feel really, really good about the way I’m teaching fractions this year.  I don’t know if it’s the new program’s way of introducing it, or just that I’ve grown up as a teacher, but my kids are really blowing me away.  That means I must be doing something right, right?

10. Siempre habrá mañana. (Any guesses?)

See you tomorrow!

day 4
February 21, 2010, 1:27 pm
Filed under: weekend | Tags: ,

I know I was singing the praises of Saturdays yesterday, but I have to admit that Sunday is one of my favorite days, too.  Here are some reasons why.

Today’s Silver Linings:

1. I had a great discussion with a group of teenage girls about how the earthquake in Haiti impacted them and ways they’re working on giving back.

2. I got to say hello to some of my favorite people on the planet, my church family.

3. I forgot just how yummy fresh fruits and veggies are–totally pigged out on grapes, broccoli, and cucumber.

4. I mean, getting to go and spend time with Jesus is pretty flipping awesome.  Don’t you think?

5. A text from a friend (and one of my favorite people): “Ok sounds good…I need some Marlee and Mario and ice cream in my life later.” 😀

6. We looked at stuff for VBS today at church and let’s just say it’s going to be a rockin’ good time.  I’m looking forward to rocking some amazing ancient Egyptian fashions.

7. USA! USA! (The USA and Canada go head-to-head tonight for the Winter Olympics!)

8. I’m getting totally psyched for an incredible School House ROCK! concert that my students will be participating in this coming Thursday.

9. Can I just say that it’s unbelievably BEAUTIFUL outside today?  I almost forgot what 60 degrees felt like! (Though I must say it’s a little funny to still see little snow piles around town when it’s this warm outside.)

10. And don’t forget, there’s always tomorrow!

Enjoy your day of rest, and here’s to a successful and productive work week to come!

day 3
February 20, 2010, 11:40 am
Filed under: weekend | Tags:

I love Saturdays.  It’s so nice to be able to lay in bed for a little while longer than usual (not much nowadays; my body wakes me up no later than 9 more often than not now).  I have a few activities on the slate for today, so I’m preemptively posting today’s silver linings before the day is up!

Today’s Silver Linings:

1. It’s Saturday (duh).

2. No matter what you need, you can often find it at the Dollar Tree.

3. I get to go to a sure to be fun, super awesome bachelorette party tonight for one of my good friends from college. (Where there are many girls, good food, and lingerie showers, there will always be a good time.)

4. If all goes according to plan, I will get to see two of my favorite youngins later.

5. I’m having a fantastic hair day today.

6. My cold sore is starting to go away already! (Praise the Lord for Herpecin L.)

7. Is anyone else’s heart warmed when they see a family out and about together?  I swear it’s so rare to see Mom, Dad, and the kids all out enjoying a day together.

8. A special boy in my life knew I’d be worried about him driving home late and sent me a text to let me know he was home safe even though I wouldn’t get it until the morning.  🙂

9. The library is open today! AND it’s gorgeous outside!

10. Alright, kids.  Who can guess it?  That’s right!  There’s always tomorrow.

Have a fantastically amazing Saturday–those of you in my neck of the woods, be sure to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather!

See you back here tomorrow.

day 2
February 19, 2010, 9:32 am
Filed under: TGIF | Tags:

Hello, Friday!  It’s so nice to see you again!

I’m starting early today!

Today’s Silver Linings:

1. Today is Lodge Day! 🙂

2. I get to have my favorite hazelnut coffee with some of my favorite ladies tonight.

3. I asked him to reach into the “super smart” part of his brain…and he found it.

4. Today I get to remind my kids that I’m awesome by bringing out my fantastic prize box! (Update: Had to postpone until Monday, but my kids still think I’m cool.)

5. Mmmm…pot roast for lunch.

6. My kids have become completely captivated by the Charlie Bone series.  I love introducing something and winning them over!  They are so psyched to finish this book today! (Update: Book was finished; worlds were rocked.)

7. His self-confidence is definitely increasing today.  Always a good sign.

8. Where there is a mess, I will bring a Magic Eraser.

9. I watched a whole bunch of kids make fantastic thank you cards that will be sent to our troops.  What a cool thing to know that the kids here at my school will make the day of someone somewhere in the trenches of war.

10. Hey, there’s always tomorrow. 🙂

Have an awesome weekend!

PS: The “he” I refer to here is the same “he” from yesterday…for anonymity’s sake I won’t use any students’ names here.  (Also, I’d like to keep my job. Kthnx.)  Suffice it to say, “he” is my life’s lesson in patience, though I love him just as fiercely as any of my students.  (Sometimes I think I might love him twice as fiercely, actually.)