The Positivity Project

“juice box!”
March 31, 2010, 12:44 pm
Filed under: Wednesday

That’s what one of my students said today when I nabbed a big stack of Pokemon cards from one of my boys.  He meant to say “June Box,” so it thoroughly tickled me.  My June Box is where students’ toys and trading cards go for the rest of the school year to sit, especially if I’ve already spoken to the student before.

Among other things that are tickling me today…there’s a part in the movie, The Hangover, where one of the characters is sitting at a piano playing a song while they wait for the drugs they’ve given a tiger in their bathroom to kick in.  Did you follow that?  Chances are if you haven’t seen the movie, you didn’t.  But it’s okay.  Here are the lovely lyrics to that song:

What do tigers dream of when they take a little tiger snooze?

Do they dream of mauling zebras, or Haley Berry in her Cat Woman suit?

Don’t you worry your pretty striped head,

We’re gonna get you back to Tyson and your cozy tiger bed.

And then we’re gonna find our best friend Doug,

And then we’re gonna give him a best friend hug.

Doug, Doug, Doug, Doug, Doug, Dougy, Doug, Doug…

But if he’s been murdered by crystal meth tweakers…

…well then we’re sh*t outta luck.

Pardon the, um, language there at the end, but that might be one of my favorite parts of that entire movie.  And this morning on the radio show I listen to they were discussing this part and they played a sound bit from it.

And, well, since then…it’s been stuck in my head.

All. Day.

And I keep on laughing every time it starts up because it’s so random.

Anyway, gotta hop off here and do some quick things before I pick up the kids in about 7ish minutes.  Hope your day is going well!  And look up “Tiger Snooze” online if you want a good laugh, just remember that the end of the song isn’t necessary safe for work.

Later taters!

day 35
March 24, 2010, 12:58 pm
Filed under: Wednesday | Tags:

So, here we are, back to the grind.

Yesterday, according to notes left by my substitute, did not go as well as I would have hoped.  There were no reported major behavior issues (outside of him, of course), and a few of my girls got into trouble for playing in the restroom.  The biggest problem that the class had was simply being talkative (mostly in the hallways).  Frustrating, but I guess not entirely surprising.

Aaaanyway.  Let’s move on to a list for today, shall we?  I’ll actually be borrowing some events from yesterday afternoon for today’s list, simply because yesterday was very eventful.

Today’s Silver Linings:

1. Let’s start with a super cool thing from yesterday.  I went back to my high school yesterday afternoon–mostly to do some work in the library, since my high school’s library is actually a small public library.  It’s always neat to go “home,” so to speak, and this day was a great one.  Firstly, I did get a good deal of work done.

2. On the same note, once the bell rang for the end of the school day, I was struck with the desire to look up a couple of my favorite teachers.  I luckily found my all-time favorite teacher (she was my AP Psych teacher).  She took a look at me, registered who I was, and gave me a huge hug (we haven’t seen each other since I graduated in 2004).  We talked and caught up for about 45 minutes.  She is exactly as I remember her–energetic, positive in spirit, and just revved up about teaching.  (And she told me I made her semester by visiting.  Score!)

3. I also popped over to my band director’s office, since he’s one of my favorite people, too, and ran into the father of one of my best friends–random!  So I visited with him, then spent some time chatting with my band director.  He, too, holds such a zeal for education.  It’s inspiring, and it’s really cool to visit him now as a fellow educator.  He shares pearls of wisdom with me every time I see him.

4. I had a very productive meeting with our school’s mentor coach today.  I feel like she shared some helpful tips and I have some great things I’m going to put into place very soon.

5. Wednesday means it’s soup supper time, though this is our last one.  That means we’re nearing the end of Lent!  Crazy!  Holy Week is next week!

6. It is once again quite beautiful outside.  Always a plus!

And that about does me for right now–gotta go pick up the kids from the cafeteria!  Hope your Wednesday is off to a great start!  Stay positive!

%%%%%% (Aaaaaaand, we’re back!) %%%%%%

7. I have discovered a way that I think will keep my kids better behaved in the hallways.  So pumped!  I’m turning hallway walking and bathroom breaks into girls vs boys competitions.  Whoever does the better overall job of following the hallway and bathroom rules gets 2 tickets for bathroom breaks, 1 ticket for a trip out of and back into the classroom.  And it’s all or nothing.  Today the boys blew me away and earned all of the tickets I handed out this afternoon.   I think it got my girls’ attention when they didn’t win what they thought they had in the bag, you know?

8. I think this new competition really motivated him, because he finally sees a way for his chances of going to the prize box to be raised.  Two birds, ya know?

9. Having an hour early release is pretty nice because it gives me more time to finish up report cards.  I mean, of course we’ll be having our PLC, but I’ll be able to start working on report cards with a good hour and half of time to focus on them before I have to head to church.

10. And that brings us to our always constant final reminder.  Today was pretty good, all things considered.  Maybe your day wasn’t.  But it really doesn’t matter, because tomorrow can be even better.

Happy Wednesday!  See you folks tomorrow!

day 28
March 17, 2010, 11:59 am
Filed under: Wednesday

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

In honor of this super fun holiday, I’ll post in green today!  Hope everyone is enjoying their Wednesday.

Here’s mine so far, and I have to say, it’s been a pretty good one.

Today’s Silver Linings:

1. I’m wearing a super fun St. Patty’s Day outfit, if I do say so myself.  Though my top and skirt are black, I have way fun knee-high socks that are black and green striped, along with a killer pair of glittery shamrock earrings.  I’ve earned many compliments and smiles throughout this day.

2. I went over some Classroom Expectations today and I’m really proud of the discussion that we had.  I think our independent work time today was more productive because of it, actually.

3. He’s in here with me today, working on homework that he hasn’t completed over the past two nights.  I know I’m not supposed to be having fun with him right now, but he’s such a great kid…I’m just making sure he’s working on his homework while he eats.

4. It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means!  Sooooooup Supper!

5. I spent last evening with one of my all-time favorite people and I love the fact that multiple times throughout the evening, we laughed so hard that we couldn’t breathe.  Best. Time. Ever.

6. I traded him a (yucky) Caprisun for a chocolate milk.  Heck yes.

7. I’m eating some leftover pasta from my parents’ house, and I have to say…it’s delicious.

8. It is abso-tive-ly, poso-lute-ly gorgeous outside.

9. Today is an hour-early release, which means I get to go our fantastic PLCs this afternoon, but my coworkers are always entertaining, so I’m not too worried.  🙂

10.  Woo hoo!  Ten already and the day’s only half-through.  Awesome.  But don’t worry if this day is a little stressful, because tomorrow can be better!

Again, Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  Don’t enjoy the festivities too much tonight–unless of course you have the day off tomorrow!

Later gators.

day 21
March 10, 2010, 8:35 am
Filed under: Wednesday | Tags:

This is going to be a whirlwind Wednesday!  There’s so much happening.

Here’s what I have to report so far, which is pretty cool considering the kids will be arriving any minute.

Today’s Silver Linings:

1.  I was really nervous about a conference this morning, but it went really well.  I love when I get the opportunity to work with parents who are supportive and understanding.

2. It’s an early Early Release day, meaning the kids are leaving at 1:15.  It has it’s pros and cons, but it’s kind of nice to have a day that’s a little more focused on instructional time.  The only interruption to my short amount of time with them today is to get lunch, and then we eat in the classroom.

3. It’s Wednesday, so you know what that means…soup supper!  It’s a wonderful chance to fellowship with my church family, my parents, and that special boy of mine.

I’ll check back in while we’re eating lunch.  Later taters!

—— (Here we are!) ——

4.  My lunch today is awesome, though lacking somewhat in the nutritional side of things.  Leftover mac & cheese, Wendy’s french fries (the new, yummy kind), and a bottle of water (hey, that’s kind of good for me, right?).

5.  I am currently enjoying said lunch in a classroom full of 21 silent students.  The silence just might be more delicious than my lunch.

6. It’s supposed to rain today, but that doesn’t matter because we can’t go outside on an early release day, anyway.  Good timing, I’d say.

7. We did a super fast lesson on capacity today and talked about cups, pints, quarts, and gallons.  I was amazed at how well my students caught on after just a few minutes of discussion.

8. Facebook has led to a very interesting meeting recently.  I’m excited to see what happens from being found by one of my mom’s old college roommates.  I’m even more excited at the prospect of possibly getting some pictures of her from back then! 😀

9. I know I already mentioned the soup supper, but for serious, Linda made some amazing chicken and dumplings…I’m not gonna lie; I’m pretty pumped.

10.  Aw, yay!  Ten again before the day is up.  I’m glad, though, because I don’t have much time this afternoon to pull much of anything together.  Happy Wednesday, and no worries–tomorrow can be even better than today!

See you folks on Thursday!

day 14, benchmark!
March 3, 2010, 12:52 pm
Filed under: Wednesday | Tags:

Two weeks.

For two weeks now, I’ve been posting each day about good things, little and big, that have been happening in my life.  While I expected this to be a period of personal reflection and growth, I never expected to come to be so incredibly blessed by the response I’m getting from others.  I’m so glad that you’re enjoying this journey with me.

That being said, I have just a few minutes to get at least a couple of things posted for today.  Let’s go!

Today’s Silver Linings:

1. We had a two hour delay!  I love getting to sleep in a little extra, even if it means my day is a little off kilter schedule-wise.

2. Kind of as a sidekick to the note in #1…I never saw more than a few slushy flakes yesterday as we were leaving from the baby shower.  It rained for all I saw yesterday evening, and it probably snowed last night and looked all pretty outside of my apartment, but I walked outside this morning and saw…nothing.  This made me laugh a little as I drove to work at 10:00.

3. I’m having another fabulous hair day, and my kids are noticing.  One of my girls said she really wanted to touch my hair.  I told her no, but it was still sweet…in a slightly creepy kind of way.

I have more that I could say but not enough time in which to say it, so I’ll get back to all of you after we’re done with our grade level meetings this afternoon.  Enjoy your Wednesday!

~*~*~* (That day simply flew by!) *~*~*~

4. My kids are still rocking their math EOG practice.  They’re starting to really catch on to these strategies and apply them on their own.  Way cool.

5. We read more of our current Charlie Bone book today, and the kids are really getting into it.  One of the main things I do when I read aloud to them from this book is have them listen for words that they really like so we can discuss them after we finish a chapter.  They pick really neat words, and a cool thing is that these books are chock full of great vocabulary.

6. He wasn’t here today…not a silver lining, really.  I like the kid.  But it was a little quieter in the room…

7. Out of the 2.5 hours of instructional time that I had left after a 2 hour delay, lunch, and a 1 hour early dismissal, I really spent all of it teaching.  I don’t feel like we wasted any time today.  (Not that I do waste time regularly, it’s just nice to notice that what little time I have with kids is being used efficiently.)

8. One of my kids gave me a blue raspberry ring pop today.  I wore it this afternoon during hallway duty, and wouldn’t you know that little miss from yesterday saw it and asked me about it.  I totally got her today, though.  Here’s the basic gist:

Her: Why are you licking that lollipop? (Referring to the ring pop.)

Me: I didn’t lick it yet.  Did you see me lick it?

Her: …no.

Me: Then your question is irrelevant.

I owned that, wouldn’t you say?  She was a good sport, though.

9.  Very shortly, I shall be enjoying various kinds of soup with some of my favorite people!  I really love Wednesday night soup suppers during Lent. 🙂

10. Hit 10 today without breaking a sweat. Awesome.  And remember, loves, no matter how horrid this day may have been…there’s always tomorrow.

Hope you were able to find a few silver linings in your day, too!  See you tomorrow.

day 7
February 24, 2010, 9:24 am
Filed under: Wednesday

Still not feeling 100%, but not feeling worse, so I suppose that’s a good thing, right?

Heeeeeeere’s Wednesday!

Today’s Silver Linings:

1. Two words, my friends: Soup Supper.

2. He came in and sat right down to work on his assignments from yesterday!  Hallelujah!

3. How ridiculous would it be to get more snow tonight?

4. I joined a Facebook group called “Del’s Army” to show my support for our Superintendent, Dr. Burns, who is leaving as of the end of this school year.  I just think it’s super cool that I can say I’m part of Del’s Army.

5. You know what Wednesday means, right? Wooooaah, we’re half-way there!  (To the weekend, that is.  And if you didn’t sing that, I don’t think we can be friends anymore.)

Gotta get some things done before it’s time to get the kiddies from concert practice.  See you at lunch!

—— Alright, alright, alright! Lunch time! ——

6. My interims are done! Yay!

7. My kids sang their songs for the concert in class today, and they sound pretty awesome.  (Not that I’m biased or anything.)

8. We’re squeezing in another concert practice this afternoon.  Mostly because the music teacher thinks they need it, but partly because we aren’t sure if we’ll have a delay tomorrow.

9.  Did I mention we might have a delay tomorrow?   This threat of snow still makes me laugh.

10. No way.  I’m at ten before the day is up!  And this one’s easy, since…there’s always tomorrow!

Happy Wednesday, folks.  Stay warm!